To help you in finding the information you need, Poplar Forest Apartments in Farmville has created the following list of essential services and resources located near your new Farmville apartment.
Fire392-6543 or 911
Sheriff’s Department392-8101 or 911
Rescue Squad911
Embarq1-888-723-8010 (telephone/internet)
Dominion Virginia Power1-888-667-3000 (power)
Shentel1-800-SHENTEL (cable/internet)
Dial 315-2100 for main menu
Prince Edward Middle School
Prince Edward Elementary
Prince Edward High School
Fuqua School392-4131
Other Important Numbers
Blue Ridge Poison Control1-800-451-1428
P.E. County Health Department392-8187
Southside Community Hospital392-8811
Farmville Community Library392-6924
Farmville Herald392-4151
Farmville Post Office392-4349
Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV)392-9488
Virginia Employment Commission392-8871
Chamber of Commerce392-3939